How to create Pipedrive contact and deal from Facebook Lead Ads

How to create Pipedrive contact and deal from Facebook Lead Ads
3 min. read

In this tutorial we will create an automation to send data from Facebook Lead Ads to Pipedrive creating Contact and Deal.

Make sure your Facebook and Pipedrive accounts have already been connected to Albato.

- Connecting Facebook to Albato.

- Connecting Pipedrive to Albato.

Sign in to your Albato account. Open the «Automations» tab and click the «New» button. Select Facebook as the data source app and «Ad Lead» event to trigger the automation. Then specify your Facebook connection, as well as page and form to send the leads from.

Now select the operation mode for the automation:


Next set up an app to receive the data. In our example we use Pipedrive. Select «New contact» as an action and specify your Pipedrive CRM account.

Now we proceed to filling in the automation fields. In the «Full name» field we select «First name» value from Facebook drop-down list. We also select phone number and email from the drop-down Facebook list. Fill in any field you need.

The automation has two steps. Add one more step in the scenario to add a deal to the contact. Click the «Action» button.


Select Pipedrive, «New deal» as a target action and your CRM connection.

Now let’s fill in basic fields for Pipedrive deal.

Select the title from Facebook drop-down list. Then fill in any field you need.

Click the «Save» button.

Our automation is ready:

