Check out how Albato can help boost your results on Black Friday

Boost your Black Friday results with Albato
1 min. read

Some seasons of the year bring with them a rise in demand from consumers. However, it is necessary to know how to take advantage of these opportunities to effectively grow your business.

Integrating services and automating processes is the new reality in the age of digital transformation, and in periods of hot seasonal activity, it’s even more important. After all, it optimizes your workflow and helps you scale your sales.

With Black Friday approaching, it's time to prepare. See how Albato can help you boost your results!

What are the advantages of process integration and automation?

Integrating your business processes with other systems helps you streamline your marketing campaigns, inventory control, logistics, payments, sales management, and much more.

Through automations, everything becomes smoother and it's easier to monitor the entire data flow. You can reduce communication gaps, decrease costs, and increase productivity, allowing your team to focus on growing the business instead of wasting time on routine tasks.

When your business flow is synchronized, you can devote more resources to understanding audience behavior, refining the customer journey, building a positive experience, and generating greater loyalty.

How can Albato contribute to your results on Black Friday?

Enjoy all the benefits of integrations and automations, which come in handy especially on Black Friday. Discover some Albato automation scenarios that you can take advantage of in your company!

Facebook + ActiveCampaign

With this automation, you can capture ad leads from your Facebook marketing campaigns and automatically add them to your ActiveCampaign lists, triggering email streams to start nurturing your base at the ideal time.

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Stripe + Trello + Twillio

Providing your customers with flexible payment methods is a good sales strategy. With more options and fewer obstacles, they’re far more likely to complete their purchases.

You can connect your Trello boards with the Stripe app so when a new payment is completed, the card is updated, identifying the customer's payment.

You can also connect an automated SMS sending app, such as Twillio, to notify the user when a payment is successful.

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HubSpot + WhatsApp

With HubSpot, you can monitor the entire customer journey, from initial interest to closing the deal, facilitating the decision-making process.

When integrated with e-commerce, it is possible to generate important insights about the public's buying habits, helping you build strategies for winning over and retaining users.

The app can also be connected to WhatsApp so that every time a contact is updated, a message is automatically sent in line with the customer's behavior.

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Stripe + Google Sheets + Gmail

Through this integration, it is possible to create spreadsheets in Google Sheets to keep track of payment failures via Stripe, so that your internal accounting team is always updated. It is also possible to insert Gmail at the end of the flow to notify users according to the category of each issue.

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If your business or client is finding it difficult to integrate and/or automate a process, and you're looking for a cost-effective platform to unlock these limitations, count on Albato!

Albato is a great ally to leverage your results, especially on Black Friday. Don’t miss this opportunity, get a free trial right now!

Google Sheets