Securing your data. Empowering your business.
At Albato, safeguarding your data is our top priority. We employ the best industry solutions to ensure the highest level of protection for your information.
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Our entire infrastructure is designed based on advanced security practices to protect our customers' data and keep it safe.
Additional security measures
At Albato, we ensure that all data management practices comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), prioritizing privacy and protection when providing services to EU customers. Our infrastructure meets stringent European standards, with strong measures for encryption, access control, and incident response, to safeguard customer data at every step.
SOC 2 Type 2 is a continuous effort, and Albato undergoes a rigorous, comprehensive audit every year to confirm our status. Furthermore, we are in the process of obtaining an ISO 27001 certification to further enhance our security practices.
Furthermore, all of Albato’s data sub-processors, such as Intercom, HubSpot, and AWS, have been confirmed as GDPR-compliant.
If you want the full GDPR report, reach out to

The SOC 2 Type 2 certificate proves our compliance with industry regulations, and confirms our commitment to protect customer data and maintain trust with our users and partners.
- Security: Protection from unauthorized access and breaches.
- Availability: Operational and always accessible systems.
- Processing Integrity: Reliable and accurate data processing.
- Confidentiality: Safe handling of sensitive information to ensure it’s not compromised.
- Privacy: Compliance with data privacy regulations and laws.
SOC 2 Type 2 is a continuous effort, and Albato undergoes a rigorous, comprehensive audit every year to confirm our status. Furthermore, we are in the process of obtaining an ISO 27001 certification to further enhance our security practices.
If you want the full SOC 2 report, reach out to

Your responsibility
While we ensure the security of Albato systems, we encourage our users to follow good security practices. This includes reading and understanding our Acceptable Use Policy and Terms of Use, regularly auditing your organization's users, securely handling credentials, and notifying Albato immediately of any suspected information security breaches.
Contact us!
Albato is committed to providing a secure and reliable platform for all users. We continuously work to enhance our security posture and protect your data.