This tutorial shows you how to get notifications from Telegram when new Facebook Ad leads come in. This helps you avoid losing leads.
Before creating an automation, connect the apps to Albato:
Connecting Facebook to Albato.
Connecting Albato Telegram bot.
How to create automation
Sign in to your Albato account. Go to the Automation section and click the Create new automation button.
The first step is to set up a trigger.
Triggers are events that trigger an automation. All triggers run in real time, that is, data is transferred the moment the event occurs.
- Choose Facebook.
- Choose the Lead Ad event.
- Specify your Facebook connection.
Choose Automation timing.
Select the «Real-time» mode to receive notification of a new lead immediately.
If you want to receive one notification, for example, every four hours, then select the «Data migration» mode.
Click the Save button and move on to the next step - set up an action.
Actions are what Albato performs when your automation is running. Actions also allow you to transfer data to other apps and systems.
- Choose Albato Telegram bot.
- Choose the Send a message action.
- Specify your Albato Telegram bot connection.
Click the Add an action button and Map the fields.
The last step is to create a message template for Telegram.
The message can contain any text and Facebook parameters (e.g., name, email). You can put text on a new line in a Telegram message for easier reading.
The automation is ready, you can start and test it using a tool from Facebook.