Gmail and Telegram: How to automate receiving emails

How to automate receiving emails from Gmail in Telegram through Albato
4 min. read

Today we will tell you about a new way to manage your emails and messages with Gmail and Telegram. With Albato, you can automatically get Telegram notifications for new emails, making it easier than ever to stay on top of your communications.

Available triggers and actions

Gmail triggers:

  • New Email
  • New email with a selected tag
  • Get new attachments

Telegram actions:

  • Send message
  • Block a chat member
  • Unblock a chat member
  • Get a chat member
  • Give admin privileges to a chat member
  • Pin a chat message
  • Delete message
  • Reply to message
  • Send photo
  • Send document
  • Send audio

How this integration helps you

  1. Boost Productivity: Get instant Telegram alerts for important emails.
  2. Quick Responses: Reply to emails via Telegram without opening your inbox.
  3. Streamlined Communication: Manage all your messages in one place.

How to set up automation

You'll need to create an Albato account if you don't already have one. In Albato you can set up automated workflows, or Automations, that move information from one app to another.

Go to the Automations tab. Click the Create new automation button.

Example (1).png

The first thing you need to do is set up a trigger.

Triggers are events that trigger an automation. All triggers run in real time; that is, data is transferred the moment the event occurs.


  • Choose Gmail (receiving emails).
  • Choose the trigger from the drop-down list. In this example we choose New email.
  • Specify your Gmail (receiving emails) connection.

You can connect your Gmail (receiving emails) account to Albato by following these instructions if you haven't already done so.

Gmail (5).png

You can also add any filters or conditions (e.g., emails from a specific sender or with a specific tag).

Click the Continue button and move on to the next step to set up an action.

Actions are what Albato performs when your automation is running. Actions also allow you to transfer data to other apps and systems.

Gmail (4).png

  • Choose Telegram.
  • Choose the Send a message action.
  • Specify your Telegram connection.

You can connect your Telegram account to Albato by following these instructions if you haven't already done so.

Gmail (3).png

Click the Continue button and Map the fields.

  • In the Chat ID field, choose the chat from the Telegram drop-down list.
  • In the Markup type field, choose the option from the Directory list.
  • In the Text field, type your message and choose the data from the Gmail - receiving emails trigger.

At the end, click Save.

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Now you’re all set!

Gmail (7).png

Integrating Gmail with Telegram using Albato makes it easier to manage your communications. Automating email alerts to Telegram helps you stay responsive and organized without switching between apps. Setting up the integration is simple and customizable to your needs. Start using Albato today to improve your workflow.
