How to connect Gmail to Albato

Gmail: Automate your email routine
2 min. read

Gmail, Google's free email service, offers standard email functionality along with unique features that set it apart from other services. Through its API, users can integrate Gmail with various applications to increase productivity and streamline communication tasks.

Available actions

Actions are what Albato performs when your automation is running, Actions also allow you to transfer data to other apps and systems

  • Send email

Before setting up integrations with Gmail, connect the tool to Albato.

To do this, go to the Apps section and click the Add a connection button.


Select the app and click the Add a connection button.


Come up with a name for your connection. Click on the on the button Grant Albato access.

Gmail (1).png

Sign in to your Google Account. Click the Allow button.

Ex (4).png

The connection is ready!
