To transfer products from WooCommerce to Kladana, they must share a common parameter, such as an article or code.
In this example, the Variation ID will serve as the common parameter. The Variation ID is stored in the Variation ID field in WooCommerce and in the Product/Variation Code field in Kladana.
Before creating an automation, ensure that both apps are connected to Albato:
For integration, we will also require the Rows gluing and Row sections merger tools.
How to create automation
Sign in to your Albato account. Go to the Automation section and click the Create new automation button.
The first step is to set up the trigger.
Triggers are events that trigger an automation. All triggers run in real time; that is, data is transferred the moment the event occurs.
- Choose WooCommerce.
- Choose the New order event.
- Specify you WooCommerce connection.
Add the Rows gluing tool to collect strings of products (the Variation ID parameter).
Fill in the fields of the tool:
- Title - Can be any name
- Range - All (0)
- Delimiter - comma (,)
- Row section - Variation ID parameter of the product
Save the settings and add the next step to the automation.
Actions are what Albato performs when your automation is running. Actions also allow you to transfer data to other apps and systems.
- Choose Kladana.
- Choose the Get assortment event.
- Specify you Kladana connection.
Customize the assortment search.
In the Code field we will pass the result of the Rows gluing tool. If there are several products in the order, the Variation ID will be in the Code field, separated by a comma.
Click the Save button.
Add the Row sections merger tool now.
The tool merges two lists: WooCommerce products and Kladana products with the same values of Variation ID and Code parameters. Fill in the fields as follows:
First row section is the product Variation ID from WooCommerce.
Second row section is the Assortment Code from Kladana.
Click the Save button.
The next step is to set the conditions for matching products.
If a pair of items cannot be found, it will be skipped. In cases where there are multiple pairs, we will select the first one.
The condition is that the parameter ID of Woo Variation ID must be equal to the Kladana Assortment Code.
Click the Save button.
Let's add the next step to the automation.
- Choose Kladana.
- Choose the New Counterparty event.
- Specify you Kladana connection.
To complete this step, fill in the required fields:
Name is required and will be filled with the first and last name of the customer.
Use the same WooCommerce parameters for the Phone and Email fields.
Click Save. The system will then prompt you to customize the processing of duplicates for counterparties.
Choose the option Do not create a record if a duplicate is found and check by Phone number.
There is one more step left to add - New order.
Fill in the fields for this step:
ID of organization - choose from the Kladana drop-down list
Counterparty ID - from Kladana: New Counterparty step (counterparty ID parameter)
Order name - to this field we will pass the parameter ID of the order from the first step of WooCommerce: New order.
Status - New (from the list).
In the Description field, pass parameters from the first step.
In the Order Date field, specify the WooCommerce order date.
Choose the delivery method from the Kladana drop-down list.
Fill in the fields of the Position section.
Note that all information comes from the Row sections merger tool.
Quantity - from WooCommerce, the number of products from the order.
Price - also from WooCommerce, the price of the product in the order.
Assortment ID - parameter from Kladana
Type - Variant (from the list)
Save your settings.
Albato will offer to handle duplicate orders.
Select the scenario Don't create record if a duplicate is found, parameters to check - Counterparty ID and Order Name (in the name field we pass the WooCommerce order ID).
*This way, if the customer places another order on the website, another order will be created in Kladana.
The automation is ready!