Albato can create automations with a popular cloud collaboration service Airtable. This tutorial will tell you about the service features. It may help to use Airtable in the automations scenarios more often.
The following actions are available with Airtable in Albato:
- Record created
- Record updated
- Find a record
- New Record
The first step is to connect Airtable to Albato.. After creating Airtable connection, you can make automations with this service.
Create an automation
The sending app
When we send data from Airtable, two actions are available:
- Record created — in creating a new record, Albato will send data from Airtable to another app.
- Record updated – in updating the existing spreadsheet, the data will be sent to Albato and further.
Specify databases and documents for the automation in the fields «Base» and «Table».
If the action is «Record created», the next step will be to set up data migration.
Select the operation mode
Albato can send data to Airtable in a real time or for a certain period (data migration).
When the «Record updated» is selected, set up additional options. To download each deal only once, put a check in the field:
Where send the data
When we send data to Airtable, two actions are available:
- Find record — this action is more complicated than it sounds. First, the system searches for the required ID, and then updates it. In fact, this action combines two actions at once.
- New record — Airtable creates a cell to save data from a send service.
Specify a database and a table for data receiving.
One of the most important steps in an automation setting is to fill in the fields for data sending. The fields are filled in by clicking and selecting values from the drop-down list.
There are required and optional fields. The required fields are marked with orange signs, fill in such fields to proceed to the next steps. Furthermore, we advise you to fill in the fields in details for the correct service operation and comfortable usage.
Each new step in an automation setting opens fields from the previously created steps. Most values correspond to the field’s name, just select the data you need to send or receive.
The usual sequence for filling in the «New Record» / «Find Record» action fields of the Airtable remains the same, regardless of data source service.
Example to fill in the fields:
Set up duplicates
To work with duplicates correctly and avoid confusion in the system, Albato provides several options for setting this step:
Selecting values related to updating current records, the system will open a window to specify the action when duplicate is found.
Put a check in the value you need:
Then delete «Current Value» and fill in the one you need:
The automation is ready!
Additional Settings: Filters
If you want to receive only certain type data, for example, transactions of a certain status, use Albato filters.
You can also add an extra conditions:
The filter consists of three fields.
Initial value. Here we select any value from the service for changing if the specified condition is met. For example, rows from Google Sheets or orders of certain prices.
Condition. The condition indicates the initial values to take. For example, values (products) equal to the «Paid» status will be used with «equal» condition .
**Definition. The definition can be different, depending on the service.**
Save the filter after settings. Filters can also be combined to create more complex data integrations.
Additional actions and tools setting
You can create automations of two and more apps. Albato provides great opportunities for automations, you can always add a new app or tool to the scenario by clicking on the «+» icon in the step:
The tools can help to set up more flexible automations. It can combine fields, format data, etc. Detailed tools tutorial is here.
Now you know how to use Airtable in your automations.