Enhance TikTok Lead Generation through Albato Automation

Enhance TikTok Lead Generation through Albato Automation
5 min. read


TikTok has really come a long way! It started out as just a platform for short videos, but it's now a great way for businesses to connect with potential customers. TikTok is a top-notch way to generate leads! With its vast user base and engaging content, it's a valuable resource for streamlining your lead management process, saving time, and enhancing productivity.

Our Automations let you move your leads from TikTok's Ads Manager to different apps, so you can automate your lead gen and management with ease. We'll show you how to get started.

What is TikTok lead generation?

TikTok Lead Generation is a feature within TikTok's Ads Manager that allows businesses to collect contact information from potential customers directly through their TikTok ads. This feature simplifies the process of gathering leads by providing a pre-filled form that users can submit with just a few taps. It’s an effective way to capture high-quality leads without disrupting the user experience.

How to use TikTok lead generation with Albato

Albato enables you to connect TikTok Lead Generation with various applications such as CRMs, email marketing platforms, and spreadsheets. By automating these connections, you can ensure that your leads are promptly and accurately managed, allowing you to focus on nurturing those relationships.

Note: You'll need a TikTok Ads Manager account to use this integration.

Setting up the integration through TikTok Ads Manager

Step 1: Campaign Creation

Log in to your TikTok Ads Manager account.

Click "Campaign" then "Create Campaign".


Step 2: Choose Campaign Objective

Select the "Lead Generation" campaign objective.


Step 3: Campaign Settings

Give your campaign a name.

Set your campaign budget and duration.

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Step 4: Ad Group Creation

Click "Create ad group".

Choose a name for your ad group.

Step 5: Targeting

Define your target audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more.

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Step 6: Optimization and Bidding

Choose your optimization goal (e.g., conversions, clicks) and bidding strategy.

Step 7: Creatives

Upload your ad creative (video or image).

Step 8: Lead Capture Form

Here, you have two options:

  • Instant Form: This is a pre-built form hosted within TikTok that captures leads without leaving the platform.
  • Website: You can drive traffic to a landing page on your website where users submit leads.

Step 9: Continued Set Up

For Instant Form, you'll be prompted to create the form which includes a headline, description, call to action button, and lead capture questions.

For Website, you'll provide your website URL and set up conversion tracking.

Step 10: Review and Launch

Review your campaign settings and launch your campaign.

Setting Up Your TikTok Automation from Within Albato

  1. Connect TikTok to Albato:
    • Log in to your Albato account.
    • Go to the "Apps" section and search for TikTok.
    • Click "Add a connection" and follow the on-screen instructions to authorize Albato to access your TikTok Ads Manager account.

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  1. Create an Automation Workflow:
  • Go to the Automations section.
  • Click on "Create a new automation" in Albato.
  • Choose TikTok as the trigger app and select the trigger event (e.g., new lead).

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  • Connect the trigger to your desired action app (e.g., CRM, email marketing platform).

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Automation Ideas for TikTok Lead Generation

Alert Your Sales Team About New Leads:

  • Set up an automation that sends a Slack message or email to your sales team whenever a new lead is captured on TikTok. This ensures prompt follow-up and increases the chances of converting leads into customers.

Keep Your CRM Up-to-Date:

  • Automatically transfer lead information from TikTok to your CRM (e.g., Salesforce, HubSpot). This keeps your CRM data current and helps your sales team track and manage leads more efficiently.

Automatically Track Your Leads in a Spreadsheet:

  • Create an automation that adds new leads to a Google Sheets or Excel spreadsheet. This can be useful for maintaining a backup record of your leads and analyzing data over time.

Add Your Leads to an Email Newsletter:

  • Connect TikTok Lead Generation to your email marketing platform (e.g., Mailchimp, Sendinblue) and automatically add new leads to your email newsletter list. This ensures that your leads receive timely and relevant content.


Integrating TikTok with Albato can significantly enhance your lead management process by automating tedious tasks and ensuring timely follow-ups. By setting up these automations, you can focus more on engaging with your leads and converting them into loyal customers. Start leveraging the power of Albato to streamline your TikTok Lead Generation and watch your business grow.
