FreshBooks is a software company that provides cloud-based accounting software for small and medium-sized businesses.
Available triggers
Triggers are the events that trigger the automation, All triggers run in real time, i,e, data is transferred in the moment the event occurs
- New Project
- New Client
- New Estimate
- New Invoice
- New Expense
Available actions
Actions are what Albato performs when your automation is running, Actions also allow you to transfer data to other apps and systems
- Create Client
- Create Project
- Create Invoice
- Get Invoice by ID
- Create Estimate
Before setting up integrations with FreshBooks connect the app to Albato.
To do this, go to the Apps section and click the Add a connection button.
Select the app and click the Add a connection button.
Come up with a name for your connection.
Enter your Client ID, Client Secret and click the Continue button.
How to get Client ID and Client Secret
To get your Client ID and Client Secret, you just need to create an app in your FreshBooks account.
Sign in to the developer section of your FreshBooks account. The main FreshBooks account and the developer account will be linked.
Click the Create New App button.
In this tutorial, we'll show you how to set up the required fields. The rest are optional, so you can fill them in however you want (like adding the company website, uploading the logo, etc.).
Come up with a name for your app.
In the Application Type field choose the Private App option.
Specify the permissions needed for the application to work. Click the Add Scopes button.
Paste the link into the Redirect URIs field.
Click on the check mark.
Click on the Save button.
Next, open the app you created.
The Client ID and Client Secret will be displayed at the bottom of the page.
Copy the values and paste them into the Albato connection fields.
Click the Continue button.
Grant Albato access to your FreshBooks account.
Click the Allow button.
The connection is ready!