How to connect Tilda to Albato

Tilda: Website builder integration
2 min. read

With Tilda’s intuitive format, you can quickly build a new website, online store, landing page, or blog. It’s like a game: simple, fun, and easy.

Available triggers

Triggers are the events that trigger the automation, All triggers run in real time, i,e, data is transferred in the moment the event occurs

  • Form data

Before setting up integrations with Tilda connect the app to Albato.

To do this, go to the Apps section and click the Add a connection button.


Select the app and click the Add a connection button.


Come up with a name for your connection.

Click the Continue button.

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Read the information and click the Got it button.

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Copy the Albato webhook URL.

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Go to your Tilda account.

Next, go to the Settings tab -> Forms -> Webhook.

Paste the Albato webhook URL into the required field.

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Go to the page and select the WEBHOOK checkbox in the Content panel of the form block.

Click "Save and close", then publish the page. When someone fills out the form, the data will be sent via POST to the address of the script that you have specified in the Site Settings.

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Now you're all set!
