Octopush is a versatile SMS marketing platform that empowers businesses to engage with customers through personalized and targeted messaging.
With Albato, you can seamlessly integrate Octopush with over 800 apps to automate marketing workflows, enhance customer communication, and drive better engagement.
Available Triggers:
Triggers are events that trigger an automation. All triggers run in real time; that is, data is transferred the moment the event occurs.
- SMS delivered
- Email delivered
- RBM delivered
- Voice SMS delivered
- New incoming SMS
- New RBM RCS Business Message
- New Facebook Message
- New Instagram Message
- New Email Message
- The contact refused the SMS
- The contact refused the RBM
- The contact refused the Email
Available Actions
Actions are what Albato performs when your automation is running. Actions also allow you to transfer data to other apps and systems.
- Create Contact
- Send SMS
- Custom API request
App connection
Before setting up automations with Octopush, connect the app to Albato.
Log in to your Albato account. If you don't have an account, sign up here.
Go to the Apps section and click the Add a connection button.
- In the search bar, type Octopush and select it from the menu. Then, click Add a connection to start the setup process.
- Choose a Name for your connection.
- To obtain your API Key and Login, sign in to your Octopush account. In the menu on the left, expand the API & Integrations tab and select HTTP API credentials.
- Copy your login and API Key.
- Paste them into the Albato API Key and Login fields, respectively. Then, click Continue.
- Copy the Webhook URL generated by Albato to register it in the Octopush settings, and click on Got it button.
- In Octopush, go to the HTTP Callbacks options.
- Click on Edit my callback parameters button.
- Paste the Albato Webhook URL in the Delivery callback URL, Opt-out contacts callback URL, and Inbound messages callback URL fields.
Then, click on Save my callback parameters button to complete the connection.
Once this process is done, your Octopush account will be connected to Albato.