Google Analytics 4 is the latest version of Google's analytics platform, designed to provide a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of user behavior across different devices and platforms. It offers advanced features and measurement capabilities to help businesses gain valuable insights into their online activities. By integrating Google Analytics 4 with Albato, you can harness the power of this advanced analytics solution to gather meaningful data, uncover valuable trends, and gain a deeper understanding of your audience.
Available actions
Actions are what Albato performs when your automation is running, Actions also allow you to transfer data to other apps and systems.
- Custom event
- Add shipping info
- Add to cart
- Add to wishlist
- Generate lead
- Add payment info
Important: Google Analytics 4, being event-based, consists of four types of events. In Albato's actions, you will come across Custom event and Recommended events types such as Add shipping info and Generate lead. Please note that setting up a Custom event requires additional configurations, which we will cover in our instructions.
How to connect Google Analytics to Albato
Before setting up integrations with Google Analytics 4, connect the app to Albato.
To do this, go to the Apps section and click the Add a connection button
Give a name to your connection and insert an API secret. We'll guide you on how to find them and provide an explanation of parameters and properties.
Access your Google Analytics account and open the Admin panel located in the top-left corner. Click on Data Streams.
Choose the data stream from which you wish to receive data.
Click on Measurement Protocol API secrets.
If you already have the secret value, simply copy it. Otherwise, click on Create to generate the required value.
Return to your Albato account and paste the secret value into the API secret field.
Now, there are two fields - Parameters and Properties - which are required only for setting up a Custom Event action.
Click Continue, and the connection will be established!
Custom Event
When you add a Custom Event action, you have to fill in the following necessary fields:
Measurement ID, Client ID and Event name.
In GA4, the model is based on events rather than user sessions, which means each event can have a number of parameters that provide additional data about the event. Users also have additional attributes called user properties.
To collect this data in Albato, you should include it in the modal window within the Apps Connection section. This step is only necessary for the Custom Event action.
Navigate to the Apps Connection and enter the necessary information in the respective fields.
Each parameter must start on a new line.
Afterward, you'll be able to see them in your action settings. You don't need to provide any additional information in those fields as Albato will collect the required data for you.
Important: Names of custom events that cannot be used are listed here Google developers guide on reserved names
To see the Quick Google Analytics 4 Setup in action and explore a real-life use case with HubSpot, head over to our YouTube channel.
Watch the video tutorial for a step-by-step guide on setting up GA4 in Albato and seamlessly sending events from HubSpot. Expand your knowledge and gain practical insights by checking out the video today!