Wix is an all-in-one website builder that lets you quickly create attractive websites, even if you have no design or coding experience. Wix is popular among bloggers, entrepreneurs and business owners.
Available triggers
Triggers are the events that trigger the automation. All triggers run in real time, i.e. data is transferred in the moment the event occurs.
- New Contact
- Order updated
- New Order
Available actions
Actions are what Albato performs when your automation is running. Actions also allow you to transfer data to other apps and systems.
- Create Contact
- Create Order
- Update Order Shipping Address
- Create Product
- Update Product
How to connect WIX to Albato
Before setting up integrations with Wix, connect the app to Albato.
To do this, go to the Apps section and click the Add a connection button.
Select the app and click the Add a connection button.
Next, enter a name for your connection or save the default one. You will also need to enter the API key, Account ID and Site ID (the ID of the site to communicate with its API). To do this go to your WIX account, and we'll show you where these settings can be found.
In your Wix Developer Center account, click on the avatar icon in the top right corner and then go to the Account Settings section.
The settings page will be displayed. Here go to the API Keys section and click the Generate API Key button.
Now you need to configure the API key by giving it the necessary permissions. In the Name box enter any name for your key.
Check the All permissions box. Then click the Generate Key button.
The app will require verification of the account. After passing the verification the API-key will be displayed. Copy it and paste it into the required field in your Albato account.
Next, copy the Account ID. It is always displayed in the settings, just copy and paste it into the required field in the Albato account.
All that is left is to get the third parameter - the ID of the specific site that the integration will run with. Click on My Sites at the top left corner of the page, then select the site you need.
The Site ID for the current site can be obtained from the URL of the site in the browser. For example, the Site ID is displayed after the '/dashboard/' part of this URL..:
Copy it and paste it into the Site ID field in your Albato account. Then click the Continue button.
The connection is ready!