Connecting Google Sheets to Albato

Connecting Google Sheets to Albato
Google Sheets
3 min. read

Connecting Google Sheets to Albato allows you to transfer any data from the apps you need into the spreadsheets. Example: requests, deals, contact details, etc. Albato simplifies further tasks for uploading and analyzing data.

You will need to connect your Google accout to Albato.

Sing in to your Albato account, open the Apps tab and click the Add a connection button.


Next, select Google Sheets in the drop-down list. Click the Add a connection button.

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Set the name for the connection and click the Continue button. This name is available only in your personal account, so you can set any convenient one.


Next, the Google settings window appears. Frame 311509.png

Select your Google account. Next, you'll see the list of necessary permits for correct and fully-featured integration with the app.

Frame 311512.png Click the Allow button.

When the connection is created, you can find all your Google spreadsheets with the list of the attached sheets in the Spreadsheets tab.


The Google Sheets connection is ready. You can set up integration with it now (e.g., receive and add new rows in real-time).

Google Sheets