Available triggers
Triggers are the events that trigger the automation, All triggers run in real time, i,e, data is transferred in the moment the event occurs
- Service category received
- Service received
- Employee received
- Product has been received
- Client received
- Record has been received
- Product sale operation received
- Product receipt operation received
- Consumable write-off operation received
- Product write-off operation received
- Product transfer operation received
- Financial operation received
Actions are what Albato performs when your automation is running, Actions also allow you to transfer data to other apps and systems
- New client
- Create an appointment for a session (for online forms)
- Find client
- Get company/employee working dates
- Get employee free time in chat
- New entry
- Delete an appointment
- Update an appointment
- Find record
Before setting up integrations with Altegio connect the app to Albato.
To do this, go to the Apps section and click the Add a connection button.
Select the app and click the Add a connection button.
Come up with a name for your connection.
Enter your Altegio Login and Password, paste your Telephony integration token.
Click the Continue button.
How to get Telephony integration token
Sign in to your Altegio account, choose the chain you need -> go to the Telephony section -> Copy your Token.
Paste the token into the Albato connection field.
Click the Continue button.
How to set up webhook
Read the information and click the Got it button.
Copy the Albato webhook URL.
Paste the copied webhook into Altegio according to the instructions.
The connection is ready!
Please contact our support team if you have any questions.