Zendesk offers a comprehensive customer service solution, designed for ease of use and scalability. With a robust API, Zendesk streamlines support with an enormous array of tools, including a helpdesk, email marketing, live chat, sales, employee engagement, and customer engagement software.
See how Albato can help you enhance the app’s usability!
Available Actions
Actions are what Albato performs when your automation is running. Actions also allow you to transfer data to other apps and systems.
- New user
- New ticket
- Search ticket
- Update ticket by ID
App connection
Before setting up automations with Zendesk, connect the app to Albato.
Log in to your Albato account. If you don't have an account, sign up here.
Go to the Apps section and click the Add a connection button.
- In the search bar, type Zendesk and select it from the menu. Then, click Add a connection to start the setup process.
- Choose a Name for your connection
- To obtain your Domain, sign in to your Zendesk account and go to Admin page.
- Your domain can be found in the top right corner of the Admin page or in your browser's address bar once you have logged in.
- Enter the required information into the Albato connection field and click Continue.
- Grant Albato access to your Zendesk account.
- Then click Allow to complete the connection.
Once this process is done, you’ll see a success message and your Zendesk account will be connected to Albato.