How to connect Trafft to Albato

Trafft: Automation for scheduling and booking software
4 min. read

Trafft is an online software that simplifies appointment scheduling for businesses and professionals.

Available Triggers:

Triggers are events that trigger an automation. All triggers run in real time; that is, data is transferred the moment the event occurs.

  • Customer created
  • Booking created
  • Booking rescheduled
  • Booking status changed
  • Booking canceled

Before setting up integrations with Trafft connect the app to Albato.

To do this, go to the Apps section and click the Add a connection button.


Select the app and click the Add a connection button.


Come up with a name for your connection.

Click the Continue button.

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How to set up webhook

Copy the Albato webhook URL.

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Sign in to your Trafft account. Go to the Features & Integrations tab. Click the Create webhook button.

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Choose the action from the drop-down list.

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Come up with a name for your webhook and paste the Albato webhook URL into the URL field.

Important: at the end of the webhook URL paste the name of the action:


Use the following names:

  • Appointment Booked -> bookingcreated
  • Appointment Canceled -> bookingcanceled
  • Appointment has been rescheduled -> bookingrescheduled
  • Appointment status has been changed -> bookingstatuschanged
  • Customer Created -> customercreated

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Set up a webhook for each action you plan to use.

How to use webhook in automation

To set up Trafft integration, start by sending a test webhook to get all available fields.

To do this, go to the Automation builder, create an automation and click the Wait for webhook button.

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Go to your Trafft account and send a test webhook.

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Next you will see all available fields.

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Now you're all set!
