How to connect SendGrid to Albato

SendGrid: Automation for email marketing campaigns
2 min. read

SendGrid is going to make transactional mailing lists better and easier to use, and it can be scaled to help with email marketing tasks. It has flexible web and SMTP APIs, and it can be integrated with any cloud infrastructure. SendGrid works with lots of different frameworks, languages, and applications.

Available Actions:

Actions are what Albato performs when your automation is running. Actions also allow you to transfer data to other apps and systems.

  • New\Update contact
  • Get a Contact by ID
  • Search Contacts by Emails
  • Custom API request
  • Delete Contacts
  • Mail Send

Before setting up integrations with SendGrid connect the app to Albato.

To do this, go to the Apps section and click the Add a connection button.


Select the app and click the Add a connection button.

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Come up with a name for your connection.

Paste your Access token and click the Continue button.


How to get Access token

Sign in to your SendGrid account. Go to the Settings tab → API Keys.

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Click the Create API key button.

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Choose the Full Access permissions. Come up with a name for your key and click the Create & View button.

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Copy your API key.

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Paste the key into the Albato connection field.

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The connection is ready!
