Incoming data filter

Incoming data filter
3 min. read

You might have faced the need to only allow specific data to trigger your automations.

For this purpose, Albato offers the Incoming Data Filter tool. It lets you exclude unwanted data from entering your automation if it doesn't meet certain conditions. Such filtering helps you streamline your automations and, most importantly, consume fewer transactions.

How to set up the filter

Step 1

Open the Automation builder section and click on the filter icon.


Step 2

Set up data filter condition. Click the Add a condition button and fill in the fields. Select:

  1. What to filter
  2. Type of the condition
  3. Value to search for.

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Let’s consider the following example.

We will set up a filter for the first step - amoCRM Deal status updated. The task is to check the incoming information and select deals with a certain status.

In the first field we select the Deal status update: Status name value to check the condition.

For the second field, select Equally as the condition type.

And in the third field, we enter the name of the required status of the deal, according to which the condition will be met. In our example, we enter the Successful sale status.


Click the Save button. The filter is ready!

Thus, the automation will receive the data only that meets the specified condition.

How to use

Let’s suppose we want the scenario to run every time the deals get Successful sale or Lost client statuses. In this case, we can convert the condition to a group of conditions.

Click the Convert to a group of conditions button:


Then, set up an additional condition:


More flexible settings can be made by using a combination of conditions and a group of conditions.

For instance, you need to receive information only about large deals with a budget of more than 100,000$.

Tо achieve this, add one more condition to the existing group. For convenience, you can collapse the first condition using the button in the upper right corner:


Set up a new condition. Select the Budget value in the first field, Equal to or greater than as a condition type, and enter the amount in the third field. Switch to the AND position.


Click the Save button. Ready!

Now the automation scenario will run only for deals with Successful sale OR Lost client statuses AND for deals amount GREATER OR EQUAL to 100,000$.

Use cases

Case 1

Task: Every time our sales manager closes a deal for more than 100,000$ we send a gift to the customer. The HR department is responsible for sending souvenirs. How can we notify the head of HR about deals that meet the requirements?

Solution: We will filter the data by two parameters — deal status and deal amount. Let’s assume that the company uses amoCRM. We create the following automation scenario:

  1. Step: amoCRM event — Deal modified.
  2. Filter: IF (Deal modified: Amount >= 100,000$) AND (Deal modified: Status = Closing date).
  3. Step: action — send notification.

Case 2

Task: We are implementing end-to-end analytics. And we want to send information only about successful and unsuccessful deals to Google Analytics. How can we do it?

Solution: We will filter data by one parameter — deal status. Let’s continue to assume company uses amoCRM. We create the following automation:

  1. Step: amoCRM event — Deal modified.
  2. Filter: IF (Deal modified: Status = Closing date) OR (Deal modified: Status = Lost reason).
  3. Step: action — send to Google Analytics.


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